For Your Aural Pleasure - Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Show Your Bones

Originality has gone out of the window.
But i digress. Turn to the internet, you radio-eschewers. There's a plethora of music out there waiting to be unearthed. That's how I discovered NY's art-rock trio The YYYs (MySpace), and like they say, the rest is history. Their soon-to-be-released sophomore effort, Show Your Bones, remains my most-anticipated release of the season, and for the most obvious reason so: they keep reinventing themselves to stay at the top of their game. Don't believe the naysayers who say they loathe this new album 'cos it has none of the pyrotechnics nor panache of the first (Fever To Tell). Damnit, i don't think the posse has lost any of their edge or musical flair, whichever it is. They've taken their music to a different dimension.
Bonus mp3 · Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Deja Vu (removed)
Buy · Show Your Bones
Buy · Fever To Tell
Read · The Straits Times Life! cd review, clickety-click
Previously · Read my other YYY posts. Pt 1 2 3
Labels: For Your Aural Pleasure